August Update 2024

Things are happening at the build site, and we wanted to give you a quick update!

• There are 477 piles going into this build, and over the last 10 days, we have successfully pounded more than 200 into the ground. The remaining piles will be installed over the next two weeks, ensuring a strong foundation for our new building.
• Over the summer, we relocated the green playground closer to the blue playground that was installed last year. The newly positioned playground will be ready for use soon, providing our students with expanded recreational space.

It’s because of the generous support of each one of you that we can continue making these strides towards creating a state-of-the-art facility that will help train and equip students for generations.

Check out this building update from Pastor Zach:

Your pledges and contributions are vital to ensuring the completion of this project under-budget, ahead of schedule and debt-free. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to realizing our vision of a cutting-edge educational environment for our students.

The construction of this facility will change the nation of Canada! It is going to impact generations to come!

The students who walk through these halls are the leaders of tomorrow. They’ll be involved in politics, they’ll shape businesses, and they’ll drive forward the initiatives that will lead this country. But the most important part, the true foundation, is that these future leaders are being instilled with a love for Jesus, a deep commitment to loving God, and a heart for loving people. This is the future of our country—a future grounded in faith and service.

How You Can Help
• Continue Giving: Your ongoing support is crucial. Thank you for continuing to fulfill your pledges as planned.
• Spread the Word: Encourage friends, family, and community members to join our cause. Share the progress and the impact this project will have on our community.
• Additional Contributions: If you are in a position to increase your contribution or know others who may be interested in supporting our project, please let us know.
• Pray: Continue to believe with us that this project will be under-budget, ahead of schedule and debt-free.

To those who have faithfully given above and beyond to Build the Future. Your seed will be multiplied. Together, we are building more than just a structure; we are building a legacy of excellence and opportunity.

Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact Michael Seemann at 204.233.7003 or

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