Life Courses at Springs Church
Winnipeg - 595 Lagimodiere Blvd
Life Courses are offered on Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 7pm-9pm
See course list below for specific days and times.
Winning in Finances
Tuesday, February 4
10 week course
Course Description
Removing the stress that comes with financial problems will improve every area of your life. Learn how to move through the stages of financial growth, from survival (paying the bills) all the way to significance (giving to others). Learn practical steps in budgeting, debt-reduction, saving, understanding investments, etc. This course is for the financially secure to the financially distressed.
Grief Share
Wednesday, February 19
7 week course
Course Description
Your journey from Mourning to Joy. At Grief Share, you will find comfort and care to help you heal from your loss and learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life. It’s a place where you can be with people who know how you feel.
John Maxwell - Developing the Leader Within You
Tuesday, March 11
4 week course
Course Description
Do you know that real leadership is the ability to influence others? Learn what a real leader is and how you can grow leadership abilities in your professional and personal life.
Servanthood – Living a Legacy
Tuesday, March 25
3 week course
Course Description
Most people have a preconceived idea of servanthood; that it means being weak, poor and insignificant. On the contrary, Jesus says that the one who is great shall be a servant. In other words, servanthood and greatness are mutually inclusive! A heart that expresses itself through servanthood, regardless of status or reward, will obtain the promises of God and accomplish His plan and purpose for Creation. You demonstrate your love for God as you love the body of Christ and people around you. There is no better way of expressing love than by serving.
Understanding Sin / Understanding Yourself
Wednesday, March 26
1 session
Course Description
Many people have a totally wrong concept of what sin is and its effects. The Bible tells us Jesus came to take away the sin of the world. This series by Pastor Leon teaches us who we really are in Christ and how we, as Christians, are recovering from the effects of sin.
We are all complex, complicated individuals and the world is full of self-help books written to try and help us understand ourselves. Through this video session, Pastor Leon takes us on a journey to learn and understand how our Creator designed the “hardware and software” programs in all of us.
Tuesday, April 8
6 week course
Course Description
A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. They impact all areas of our lives. Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Often, Christians focus so much on being loving and unselfish that they forget their own limits and limitations. Come out and learn how to set boundaries so you can take control of your life.
Divorce Care
Wednesday, April 9
7 week course
Course Description
It takes time and work to heal the pain that comes with a breakup of a marriage. Even if your divorce was 20 years ago, Divorce Care can really help! If you have remarried, this course will help you strengthen your new marriage. Singles that have never married but have recently ended a long relationship will also benefit from this course.
How to Judge Others and Yourself
Tuesday, April 15
4 week course
Course Description
Your track record is all anyone really knows about you. This series by Pastor Leon Fontaine helps you find the answers to these questions: How do we judge others, how do we judge ourselves, why does judging others destroy relationships, how does God judge us? Learn practical wisdom from the Word of God on judging and why we should practice observing, not judging.
Marriage Prep – Ready to Wed
Tuesday, April 15
5 week course
Course Description
Specifically designed for engaged couples and newlyweds, this course uses many real-life examples, stories and anecdotes to give you a comprehensive look at the fundamentals of a great marriage. Give your mate the best by learning how to be the best husband or wife you can be. *Purchase of resources required to attend.
Marriage Relationshop
Tuesday, April 15
5 week course
Course Description
Learn from God’s Word how to develop better communication skills and bring greater intimacy into your marriage! Marriage Relationshop is a course for people who desire to see their relationship flourish.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus
Tuesday, April 22
4 week course
Course Description
In this course, Nabeel Qureshi explores Muslim culture, the most common Muslim objections to Christianity, and the core doctrines upon which Islam stands or falls.
Join us as we go deeper into apologetics and learn how to compassionately, but with truth and vision, engage Muslims in spiritual conversations.
Spirit, Soul and Body
Tuesday, April 22
4 week course
Course Description
What exactly changed when you were born again? Everything may seem the same and you may wonder if you changed at all. Through this video series Andrew Wommack will show you what happened when you were saved. You will learn the difference between your spirit, soul and body and how to have a relationship with God the way He intended!
Tuesday, April 22
3 week course
For Men Only
Course Description
Through this course, Pastor Craig Groeschel examines the life of Samson – a strong man with glaring weaknesses. By looking at Samson’s life, you’ll learn to defeat the demons that make strong men weak and become who God made you to be – a man who knows how to fight for what’s right.
Culturally Relevant
Tuesday, May 13
4 week course
Course Description
Our culture defines us more than we realize. Being aware of cultural changes impacting people today help us to communicate Christ more effectively within our modern-day culture. In this course, you will hear from amazing speakers, such as Leon Fontaine, Kong Hee, AR Bernard and others, who know the extreme importance of keeping church culturally relevant.
How To Study The Bible
Wednesday, May 14
1 session
Course Description
Reading the Bible is one thing. Understanding it’s another. When you can do both, it’s truly life changing. God speaks to us through His Word, so let’s learn How to Study the Bible together through this video series with Craig Groeschel.
Freedom From Guilt & Rejection
Tuesday, May 20
3 week course
Course Description
Are you tired of feeling guilty and condemned? This video series by Leon Fontaine will teach you principles that will banish those toxic emotions once and for all. Learn how to accept the love God has freely given you and how your mistakes can never disqualify you from receiving His love.
Winning the War in Your Mind
Tuesday, May 20
2 week course
Course Description
The thoughts that we allow in our mind will shape how we live our lives. Do you feel trapped by your thoughts and have a hard time constantly dealing with negative thinking? Through this video series, Craig Groeschel teaches us what the Bible says about our thought life and gives us practical ways to renew our minds.
One Minute Manager
Wednesday, May 21
1 session
Course Description
Ken Blanchard teaches very practical and highly successful management techniques used by Fortune 500 companies. You will learn time tested methods to increase productivity, job satisfaction and personal prosperity, and how to apply these proven techniques to your situation.
Wednesday, May 28
1 session
Course Description
Jesus came as a man and was the perfect model of humility. This course taught by John Dickson, talks about the benefits and origins of humility, and how being humble can add power to your life.