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Life Courses at Springs Church

Winnipeg - 595 Lagimodiere Blvd

Life Courses are offered on Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 7pm-9pm 

See course list below for specific days and times.

Winning in Finances

Tuesday, September 10
10 week course

Financial Success! Removing the stress that comes with financial problems will improve every area of your life. Through this video course, Dave Ramsey will teach you how to move through the stages of financial growth, from survival (paying the bills) all the way to significance (giving to others). Learn practical steps in budgeting, debt-reduction, saving, understanding investments, etc. This course is for the financially secure to the financially distressed.

Truth Project

Tuesday, September 10
12 week course

What is Truth? This video course will give you a starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life. It focuses on the big, basic issues of human life such as the existence of God, the nature of reality, the existence and knowability of absolute truth, and the moral and ethical implications of these and other primary questions.

Marriage Prep

Tuesday, September 10
5 week course

Specifically designed for engaged couples and newlyweds, this course is a great way to help couples plan for all of marriage’s joys and challenges from in-laws and finances to intimacy and chores. Give your mate the best by learning how to be the best husband or wife you can be.

*Purchase of resources required to attend.

Love & Respect

Tuesday, September 10
5 week course

What do you want for your marriage? Want some peace? Want to feel close? Want to feel valued? Want to experience marriage the way God intended? Then why not try some love and respect. This course is changing the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other.

Connecting with God’s Master Plan for Your Life

Tuesday, September 10
5 week course

Discover God’s plan for your life and stay on course with it. Through this video course, Gloria Copeland reveals keys to unlock the blessing of God into your life and helps you to connect to His plan for you. God’s plan is wonderful and exciting! It is large and never dull! And the plan is open to anyone who will accept.

Dealing With Offense

Tuesday, September 10
4 week course

Offense…it is one of the deadliest diseases of the soul known to man. Many are plagued by its symptoms and are totally unaware of what the real problem is. Come out and learn from Joyce Meyer how to live free from the effects of offense.

Basics of Righteousness

Tuesday, September 10
8 week course

Revolutionize the way you think about yourself and transform the way you interact with God to deepen your relationship with Him.  Through this video course, Andrew Wommack will help you gain scriptural insight into how your spirit, soul and body work together to experience the abundant life Jesus has made available to us.  Get ready to be totally transformed!


Tuesday, September 10
For Men Only
3 week course

Through this course, Pastor Craig Groeschel examines the life of Samson – a strong man with glaring weaknesses. By looking at Samson’s life, you’ll learn to defeat the demons that make strong men weak and become who God made you to be – a man who knows how to fight for what’s right.

Grief Share

Wednesday, September 11
7 week course

Your journey from Mourning to Joy. At Grief Share, you will find comfort and care to help you heal from your loss and learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life. It’s a place where you can be with people who know how you feel.

How to Study the Bible

Wednesday, September 18
1 session

Applying the Word of God in every area of your life is the key to successful living. Renew your love and enthusiasm for studying God’s Word with Joyce Meyer, Rick Renner and RT Kendall.

Holy Spirit

Wednesday, October 2
1 session

Come out and join us at the Holy Spirit class as Pastor Leon teaches via video about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and why we must have Him active in our lives today.

Divorce Care

Wednesday, October 2
7 week course

It takes time and work to heal the pain that comes with a breakup of a marriage. Even if your divorce was 20 years ago, Divorce Care can really help! If you have remarried, this course will help you strengthen your new marriage. Singles that have never married but have recently ended a long relationship will also benefit from this course.

Imagine the God of Heaven

Tuesday, October 15
3 week course

Millions of people around the world have reported a near-death experience. Do these accounts prove the existence of a loving God? Never in history have we heard from so many people who have been brought back from clinical death. Through this video course, John Burke discusses the character traits of God and His love, power, compassion, friendship, and guidance which are closer than you could ever imagine!

21 Laws of Leadership

Tuesday, October 15
5 week course

Follow these laws and people will follow you! Simply and briefly, John Maxwell outlines the essentials of leadership that transcend time, place, culture, and situation. These basic laws of success can be applied to business and private life, helping anyone reach their full potential.

No Fear

Tuesday, October 15
4 week course

Fear brings torment! Some people know they struggle with it . . . others have no idea. Fear is at the root of most problems. Through this video series with Pastor Leon, discover the signs and symptoms of people tormented by fear. Learn how to recognize and deal with fear. Live in confidence, it will change your life forever!

Understanding Sin / Understanding Yourself

Wednesday, October 23
1 session

Many people have a totally wrong concept of what sin is and its effects. The Bible tells us Jesus came to take away the sin of the world.  This series by Pastor Leon teaches us who we really are in Christ and how we, as Christians, are recovering from the effects of sin.

We are all complex, complicated individuals and the world is full of self-help books written to try and help us understand ourselves.  Through this video session, Pastor Leon takes us on a journey to learn and understand how our Creator designed the “hardware and software” programs in all of us.


Wednesday, November 6
1 session

Jesus came as a man and was the perfect model of humility. This course taught by John Dickson, talks about the benefits and origins of humility, and how being humble can add power to your life.

Five Love Languages

Tuesday, November 26
1 session

Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? While love is a many splendored thing, it is sometimes a very confusing thing too. As people come in all varieties, shapes, and sizes, so do their choices of personal expressions of love. Through video with Gary Chapman, you will learn to speak and understand your mate’s love language, and in no time, you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return. Skillful communication is within your grasp!

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