Kingdom Builders are a team of leaders within Springs Church who have a gift of giving and feel called to finance the Kingdom of God.

Through their heart of generosity, they are impacting lives for eternity with their resources and helping Springs to make an even greater impact for the cause of Christ around the world. Kingdom Builders demonstrate a true understanding of what Jesus was saying in Matthew 13:23.

“As for what was sown on good soil, this is he who hears the Word and grasps and comprehends it; he indeed bears fruit and yields in one case a hundred times as much as was sown, in another sixty times as much, and in another thirty.”

Each Kingdom Builder prayerfully considers their ability to fulfill the minimum commitment of $5,000 which is given over and above their tithes and offerings within a one year period. This team gathers a few times each year to celebrate all God is doing in us and through us and to stand in agreement and pray for what is to come.

We are excited that thousands of souls are being saved because of the commitment and wisdom of our Kingdom Builders in believing God’s promise of sowing and reaping.

If you are interested in applying for Kingdom Builders please complete the form below or if you have any questions regarding this incredible ministry contact Lynn Lewis at or call:

Winnipeg: 204-233-7003

Calgary: 403-473-3400.

I have prayerfully considered my commitment to Kingdom Builders. I understand that the commitment is a minimum of $5,000 over and above my yearly tithes and offerings. I will be faithful in fulfilling it by December 31, 2025

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