Leadership Level 1
Course List and Descriptions
Getting Connected
Springs Church Culture
1 Week
Getting Connected is our introduction class designed to introduce you to our church family. Come out and learn the vision, passion, history and culture of Springs Church. This is a great chance to make new friends and learn how to join a Springs Volunteer team
Winning in Finances
10 Weeks
Removing the stress that comes with financial problems will improve every area of your life. Learn how to move through the stages of financial growth, from survival (paying the bills) all the way to significance (giving to others). Learn practical steps in budgeting, debt-reduction, saving, understanding investments, etc.
Understanding Sin / Understanding Yourself
Bible Knowledge
1 Week
Many people have a totally wrong concept of what sin is and its effects. The Bible tells us Jesus came to take away the sin of the world. Join Pastor Leon, via video, as he teaches us who we really are in Christ and how we, as Christians, are recovering from the effects of sin.
We are all complex, complicated individuals and the world is full of self-help books written to try and help us understand ourselves. Through this video session, Pastor Leon takes us on a journey to learn and understand how our Creator designed the “hardware and software” programs in all of us.
How to Study the Bible
Bible Knowledge
1 Week
Renew Your Mind - Renew Your Life
Bible Knowledge
5 Weeks
The first step in the process of growth and change is to renew your mind. These essential truths will help you to walk free from the issues of life that drag you down. Learn how to change your circumstances by thinking differently
Freedom From Guilt and Rejection
Bible Knowledge
3 Weeks
Are you tired of feeling guilty and condemned? This series by Leon Fontaine will teach you principles that will banish those toxic emotions once and for all. Learn how to accept the love God has freely given you and how your mistakes can never disqualify you from receiving His love.
Managing, Mismanaging
4 Weeks
In order to be truly free, you need to learn how to manage. Quite often the only difference between a person who is living a significant and successful life and someone who is barely getting by is their ability to manage their lives. Join Pastor Leon via video as he teaches you to move from survival to significance.
Developing the Leader Within You
4 Weeks
Do you know that real leadership is the ability to influence others? Learn what a real leader is and how you can grow leadership abilities in your professional and personal life
One Minute Manager
1 Week
People invariably look to their boss for praise, a feeling of connection, and a sense that their work is meaningful. Bosses, meanwhile, are concerned about the need to address performance problems, redirect the work process, or any one of a number of contingencies that arise in the course of leading a team. To help facilitate the critical process of communicating between the two, The One Minute Manager reveals three secrets to productive and efficient managing. Through this course you will learn communication techniques that will help you take your business, career, family and relationships to the next level.
DISC Personality Profile
1 Weeks
The DISC Personality System is a universal language of behaviour. Research has shown that behavioural characteristics can be grouped together in four major divisions called personality styles. People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific behavioural characteristics common to that style. Through this session you will learn about your own personal behavioural style as well as learn how and why people are motivated and communicate differently
Five Love Languages
1 Week
Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? While love is a many splendoured thing, it is sometimes a very confusing thing too. As people come in all varieties, shapes, and sizes, so do their choices of personal expressions of love. Through video with Gary Chapman, you will learn to speak and understand your mate's love language, and in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return. Skillful communication is within your grasp!
6 Weeks